Increasingly, though I don't think I've put it this way, I've begun to see the story as different "volumes" for lack of a better word. Think of them like seasons of a tv show with each part being an episode. The first volume is parts 1-8, it's meeting the girls, having them first dabble and have them culminate in the end with Sophia heading off and the others free but shamed. The second volume is 9-18, involves Sophia's journey through Atlantic City, Lea's reaction to it, and the introduction of Zainab into the equation. Now we're just starting the third volume. It will not be the "final" volume, but it is a slightly modified version of what was the "final" part of my original arc and so it feels a little "final" to me nonetheless.
So as I keep thinking of these as two now complete "volumes," I've been having more and more thoughts about something I've always wanted for this series: art.
This might be pie in the sky thinking. The problem is that I may have a way with words, but my artistic skills otherwise are just not good. I can sometimes do passable simple stills, but I couldn't draw a decent person to save my life. But none the less, I've often (and increasingly so of late) wondered about having a piece or two of cover art. It's asking a lot to get one for every single part, but.. that's why the idea of volumes has been making me think of it. A cover for volume 1, a cover for volume 2, that's not exactly exorbitant.
So I'm putting a call out. If any of you fans can draw, it would be utterly amazing. But if not, if you know people you think would do this well, who's style you like, and who takes commissions at a reasonable price, let me know. I don't have a lot of money, but I am possibly willing to pay a fare price if it's needed. I don't want to make things complicated here by asking for money directly from anyone, which is why it would obviously be ideal if any of you had any kind of skill or willingness to get commissions for me. I'm also more than willing to basically pay "in kind." I could put you in the story, make another story you'd describe, or just at minimum give you advanced access to early drafts and such.
Just a topic to leave you with for now that I'm sure isn't going to be quickly settled.