Saturday, June 20, 2015

Part 19 Summary

Part 19 takes place at the start of spring break for Andrea, Megan and Zainab. Andrea and Megan join Zainab and her family as they travel back to her home country of Surda. Spoilers below.

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As Andrea and Zainab head to the airport, Zainab plays a trick on Andrea locking a metal pear device into place before going through airport security.It was humiliating, but Andrea was free to leave by the end. We meet Zainab's parents for the first time directly (though not the character's first time). Zainab's father Farhad and her mother Leyla met up with them just before the flight. The flight was long and gave Andrea and Zainab a "cabin" of sorts which Megan joined them in for a time.

The story then introduces us to Surda, a small island chain in the Indian ocean. After landing, the five of them are taken by boat from one island directly to Zainab's family home. It is very large, made of old stone and marble. When they are told that the head of the family (Omid), Andrea and Megan were shown to a large hall where he sat on a large decedent chair ready to greet them. After making them kneel before him he cracked and had to admit it had all been a joke, that he simply liked to pull this when he has the rare opportunity to possibly get away with it.

The girls were then shown to their rooms. They were in a woman's only area, on a balcony that surrounded a pool on three sides. The pool and the accompanying steam room are both quite old. It's also reinforced that nudity and toplessness really don't carry as much of a taboo in Surda as everyone was bathing naked and didn't seem to care.

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