So I have been writing more, but something new has come up. I started this whole series a while ago with the idea originally of trying to lump all my various kinky scenarios into a continuous story so I wouldn't need to re-create characters or re-establish dynamics each time I wanted to write a story. It built up a bit beyond my original plan, but the broad stroke outline has been mostly the same since I started writing about the cabin.
I've been making pages and pages of progress, but I've been finding I've kind of hit a wall of sorts. It's not just my different life, I'm able to focus more of late and spend more time writing. I'm just having trouble getting moving past where I'm currently at. A weird kind of writer's block.
And of all the places I thought I might get inspiration from, I didn't expect a network show I just started on Netflix to be able to tell me why. For those who haven't seen it, Jane the Virgin is really crazy over-the-top. But in an episode I just watched recently, Jane (who writes on the side) got the advise that when you reach a block, sometimes you need to look farther back. And so I started questioning my long-held outline for where things will be going to see if changing that might help.
I've always liked having twists in my writing. I think they keep suspense when you know they are a possibility at any time. However, I try to keep them within the real of likelihood to not be rejected out of hand. My biggest criticism to myself from the series is I think I may have crossed that line (or at least got very close) with some of Sophia's contract stuff. But what I'm at the edge of now, might require as much or more unrealism and I think that might be what's hampering me. Either that or I'm feeling it's maybe too mean. So I've started thinking about what else to do with the long arc of the story. And since removing that restriction and creating a new path, I'm writing better again. It unfortunately means shelving a lot and repurposing what I can, but such is life.
I still don't have a time table, I'm still not writing as fast as I was a year+ ago, but I wanted to give a little update about a recent change. I'm writing faster than I was half a year ago, and hopefully faster still with this shift, but it does mean some work has been lost.