Friday, March 3, 2017

A Slight change

So I have been writing more, but something new has come up. I started this whole series a while ago with the idea originally of trying to lump all my various kinky scenarios into a continuous story so I wouldn't need to re-create characters or re-establish dynamics each time I wanted to write a story. It built up a bit beyond my original plan, but the broad stroke outline has been mostly the same since I started writing about the cabin.

I've been making pages and pages of progress, but I've been finding I've kind of hit a wall of sorts. It's not just my different life, I'm able to focus more of late and spend more time writing. I'm just having trouble getting moving past where I'm currently at. A weird kind of writer's block.

And of all the places I thought I might get inspiration from, I didn't expect a network show I just started on Netflix to be able to tell me why. For those who haven't seen it, Jane the Virgin is really crazy over-the-top. But in an episode I just watched recently, Jane (who writes on the side) got the advise that when you reach a block, sometimes you need to look farther back. And so I started questioning my long-held outline for where things will be going to see if changing that might help.

I've always liked having twists in my writing. I think they keep suspense when you know they are a possibility at any time. However, I try to keep them within the real of likelihood to not be rejected out of hand. My biggest criticism to myself from the series is I think I may have crossed that line (or at least got very close) with some of Sophia's contract stuff. But what I'm at the edge of now, might require as much or more unrealism and I think that might be what's hampering me. Either that or I'm feeling it's maybe too mean. So I've started thinking about what else to do with the long arc of the story. And since removing that restriction and creating a new path, I'm writing better again. It unfortunately means shelving a lot and repurposing what I can, but such is life.

I still don't have a time table, I'm still not writing as fast as I was a year+ ago, but I wanted to give a little update about a recent change. I'm writing faster than I was half a year ago, and hopefully faster still with this shift, but it does mean some work has been lost.


  1. I for one am glad to hear you have been writing again and continuing the story even if it may go in a different direction from what you originally planned. I don't feel it's the scenes that make a good story, but the writing and the flow of events. If what you had planned going forward doesn't feel right due to plausibility or makes it harder to write to get to your endgame, then changing the plan is the right thing to do. Looking forward to subsequent chapters.

  2. Personally I like mean :) , and as for unreal, who knows where the world's heading anyway? So don't apologise or hold back; as drulema says, it's the quality of your writing that marks your work out.

  3. I am with you for what ever you right. You are the artist here and I love the little bit of unrealness to it. The funny thing is that there is actually technology being created and researched that could eventually become some of what you have written about. Waiting anxiously for the next installment

  4. To plan is a way to err with confidence ;-) Sometimes things develop in unexpected directions and IMHO it's better to take advantage of opportunities presenting themselves than to stick to a probably outdated plan. In any case, I'm glad you're writing again. BTW, I like mean as well.
    Cheers, Absolutist

  5. I'm just glad for the update! Thanks! I would say that your story is exactly nice... lol. It is always interesting though! Where ever your path leads, thanks for taking us with you! Cant wait for the next leg of it.

  6. Thanks for the status update. It is great to hear that you are still writing. It had been awhile since the last update and we were afraid that this story like so many others would end up in the unfinished category.

  7. Well, as a reader I didn't presume to know where it was going, and as this changes chapters that aren't written yet. I had guesses, but no way to know how accurate they were.

    As for unrealness, I think for me it had a bit of that from the beginning with the near-future technology in eDict Box that continued to be present through most chapters.

    Reaching back periodically is a good way to keep a story together and prevent it from wandering to a dead end. And for me personally, the first two chapters were what really hooked me. A group of young women trying a bit of BDSM, getting in deeper than they expected, but having a good time at the end.

    1. I think the second chapter is my favorite in this story. Because of how low-key and constrained it was. I mean it's scifi, but not in an overly unrealistic way, and it doesn't go completely overboard with the non-con. Not that I mind non-consent, but I admit I get overly attached to my erotica heroines, and I get unnerved when I don't know things will end well. This shouldn't be happening, but alas.

    2. Well I think part 8 was the "worst" for a lot of us on the emotional front, but that was mostly thanks to the buildup of humanization. The first two parts the girls didn't have their emotions explored too deeply. If something like what happened in part 8 happened right after the first two, it may not have stung so much.

      And it's a slight tangent and a long one at that, but I really want to vent about Lea and how she has all my sympathy. It feels like she can't catch a break (aside from a bit of leniency for stalling on her NESIC deal) and every time she makes a mistake it explodes. (Aside from overcharging at the FetFair and owing 30 bucks.)

      She doesn't keep a tight reign on her uppity sub, and ends up locked in a punishment box with no limits set and unable to say the safeword.

      She poorly defines an AI's goals and ends up a more literal slave, nearly permanently.

      Pushes limits with a submissive client and does from a potential mistress for hire to the bottom rung.

      And her strategy of not naming Sophia in negotiations leaves her having served time as a sex slave without achieving her main goal for it all.

      And all this is made worse as a reader because I know she's got another emotional punch to the gut coming when she finds out Zainab was the one who bought Sophia's contract, adding all the more tension to the largely untouched tension between Lea and Andrea that started back in parts 4 and 5.

      I already had lukewarm interest in the chapters about Andrea and Zainab, as the bondage and intensity of tone paled in comparison to chapters with Lea and Sophia while they were working for Felix. Watching Andrea and Zainab deepen their relationship kind of stung on top of that.

      As far as actually reading, I'm "stuck" at part 22. I've read the summaries, and even peeked at comments and gleaned that one of the new characters in Surda is giving ominous vibes.

      But I just can't bring myself to care about ALL the other girls having a vacation after Lea had to be dragged out of her depression, while a nuclear missile is still aimed at her self esteem.

    3. If I could write what I thought as well as you do I would have been an author. I think I mirror all your opinions stated here.

  8. Thanks for the update! I'm glad to hear you're making progress and excited for new chapters. Also, I like the mean stuff, so I'm happy if you don't hold back.

  9. Could you possibly post the work that you overruled so that it doesn't get completely lost? Perhaps after you post the story as it will shape up.

    1. When I post the new version, I'll probably also post whatever I end up cutting if it's a significant chunk.

  10. >that feel when it was all a virtual reality experience™ caused by the AI all along

  11. i check the site about 1x each month to look for updates , glad to know that you are doing well & all is ok in life for you .

    great to know that you are still writing & are still enjoying writing or are enjoying writing once again.

  12. Glad to hear.

    Thinking back, I think I have an idea as to why your writing is so darn good at pulling our heartstrings. I have read consensual bondage writings and nonconsenetual writings, and none of them made me feel the way I do when reading these. I am sad when bad things happen to these characters, even when in other stories protagonists have gone through much worse.
    The first reason is your very, very, good writing. The way you can have people display emotions through their actions and words does an excellent job of showing, not telling, what they are thinking. The characters interact and speak in a way that feels very human, so when we are able to see them intimately interact with one another, its hard not to feel some of that intimacy as well. Even when the seems don’t include whips and chains, you understand and get to know them as a person.

    Another big reason is how well you handle and describe consent in the context of BDSM. When they are having fun, it is clear that any harshness is just part of a game, and it is deeply clear that there is a lot of affection underlying it. Lea back at the cabin set up a very elaborate and clear way of knowing when someone was not feeling comfortable, and always made sure everyone was having fun before continuing. When Andrea feels that Zainab is pushing her to do something too outside her comfort zone, she says so and Zainab listens.

    That is what makes the nonconsensual parts of the story so emotional to read. The time they were almost sold off due to Hanna’s trickery as well as Sophia’s contract are made to be very tragic. Its not characters, but people that are in pain. Pain that is made all the worse because what they are going through is a perversion of a healthy BDSM relationship. These bring up emotions that sometimes make we want to put the story down and never return, but I keep on reading. I want to know what happens next. These writings, the fun as well as the sad parts, create a very engrossing and deep world that very few writers can ever hope to match.

    I wish you well in all your endeavors.

    1. Thanks for the reply and the kind, well thought out words.

      I do agree with you too. I may have done too good a job of humanizing them. My original plans certainly didn't include all that. I think I'd mentioned this before, but what made me decide to combine the various Ideas I had into a single plot was less about creating human characters but not having to re-invent and re-introduce new people with each new story. I thought it could be a kind of short-hand.

      I had written a few stories before this series with a different pen name, not nearly as good, and the part I seemed to hate the most was the part where you gave expositions on the characters. It's required information, because with written word rather than video, I can't just show you someone I have to describe them. After a while you get real tired of it, and because every story ever written also has to do it there are just about no ways left to get the exposition in early that doesn't feel forced or cliche.

      As the characters have come more to life, I've already diverted from my original original plan, which would have ended the series some time ago and had a lot more non-consent. But I started backing out, and I think I am probably going to keep backing out. I think you're right, it's hard to send these characters into what would otherwise have been a trap of sorts.

      Only problem is, I spent time establishing the trap and building to it, so to have it not go off will be a departure and maybe feel like the plot was needlessly complex and convoluted, but I think it will make it easier to continue at all. So my mind has been freely thinking of what other directions I should be heading in and I'm working towards some of those, hoping the "right" path gets clearer as I get closer to one of the various forks I've thought up.

      I don't know when I'll do it, but some day I'll probably write a very condensed version of what could have been. I don't know if that would be better long after I've made the departure away from this big climax or soon after, but I do want to share what my broader ideas were even if I've had trouble actually writing them at the more detailed level.

      Either way, thanks for the comment.

    2. Saying that the original idea would have ended the story and involved more non-consent makes me think that part 8 was going to end differently.

    3. I fully agree with catsun, I enjoy reading consensual stories as well as non-consensual, but evil cannot happen in a void. Evil and bad things befalling a character can and should happen (to create conflict and the eventual resolution), but the more context and depth is given to the character, the more the story needs to justify it.

      You created a wonderful tale full of likeable characters, so it creates the situation were we are rooting for them. They go through many problems, but it makes them grow and evolve, and that is what we want to see. A bad ending would be unnecessarily cruel to the characters as they stand, but it does make me curious.

      The "what if" version would be welcome and/or an alternative ending if the plot allows it.

      But if you really wish to release your inner demons onto the unsuspecting world, maybe a story with characters specifically designed to suffer for our entertainment would be a good bet.

      Thank you for all your hard work!

    4. I actually had been thinking up creating some alt story with different characters I wouldn't care so much about and putting them through suffering. I kind of like people not always knowing where it's going, so just putting a big neon sign saying "bad things will happen to them" is not the most appealing option but it's also better than any other option I can think of at the moment.

      And while I've thought a lot as well about putting out an "alternative ending" to this, it's again my like of being able to surprise. If I say how things were going to go, and then reuse the idea identically in a different story, it would spoil it a bit.

      Though I'm not convinced how much that matters.

      And as for story 8, you might be surprised. An AI bluff getting called was always in the cards, what everyone went onto after the cabin was different but probably not as bad as you might assume!

    5. I am honored that my ramblings have gotten such a positive response. How ever you decide to take the story, I am sure that it will continue to be a masterful piece of writing, both the fun and the sad parts. After all, mixing pleasure and pain is a core feature of BDSM.

    6. Your story is set in a universe with penal contracts that allow for some very bad stuff to happen to people against their will. You could easilly write a spin off series of stories set in the same universe, depicting the fate of people that were not as lucky or enterprising as our heroines. This would also allow you to show us just how bad things can get in that universe, and enrich the context the stories take place in (the lore, so to speak), fully fleshing out the limits of the institution of slavery in your world, what it really allows for. And it'd be interesting to see this from the point of view of a character that doesn't know what their fate will be and who we know doesn't have plot armor. To throw us completely off, you don't need to give them all bad ends.

      At the very least I'd be intereted in something like this.

      On an aside, if you end the main story with a bad end for any of the heroines imma bite u. They deserve a happy ending dammit. I deserve it after all of this!

    7. It would also allow you to touch on things already established in the background of the stories. How did the armless ponies get there, for instance? Will these girls ever be free? How extensive is private slavery? Do people do this as part of consensual BDSM relationships? etc. I mean, what happens outside of the more luxurious events that our heroines find themselves entangled with.

    8. Addendum: Not that I'm so very anxious to see it end.


  13. I tend to agree with the "non-consensual" comments. A story with maybe just several chapters where some girls are put through their paces and with an ending that is either happy, sad or open-ended; your choice.

  14. So, what was your old pen name? I'd like to see your older stories, for reference, to see what themes were also present there, what you reimagined and so on(I'm a literature student, I'm allowed to be weird about erotica).

    1. I posted a few on Gagged Utopia under the name Cana-tied. I mostly wanted to make a break so the new "series" could be self-contained. I also used to do stories very first person, which was a little limiting.

  15. First of all, let me thank you for sharing your imagination with us. I have to say this series is one of the best I’ve ever read. I’m an avid fan of fantasy and kink and in most cases while it would be great to be the hero in one of the stories it’s very rare that I find a world that I’d actually like to live in as just a normal person. Mainly because I read fantasy and being a normal person in those worlds would probably result in death by disease or bandit.
    Your world remains down to earth and is at a time where technology is getting exciting and allowing kinky fantasies to come within reach of everyone to some degree. Admittedly money still equals power and freedom to explore. So this is one of those worlds where I’d love to live, and when I first read these stories a while back I was in a place where I would have given my soul to be there. Now I have a lady in my life I’d really just be happy with access to the technology. So thank you for creating such a wonderful world and situations our heroines find themselves in.
    This does bring me to make a complaint. I have to say that however unintentional it may have been you have inflicted non-consensual sleep deprivation on me. However as I like non-consensual activities, or at least some of them, and I really love your writing I can forgive you.
    The problem is I’ve re-read the series recently, I have a terrible memory at times and so started reading the stories again and recognised parts and by the time I realised I had already read these stories I was hooked again and had to keep on reading. I would read at every opportunity I could in order to get through the story and find out what happened. However it wasn’t this that kept me awake, but for the past week I’d been struggling to get to sleep or I’d get to sleep and then wake up after 4 or 5 hours and then struggle to get back to sleep.
    My mind was and probably still is in turmoil as it tries to work out what’s going to happen next. What plans has Ravi got? How will it affect the friends? What’s happening to Lea? What about that lovely Hannah who was so insidiously evil that a few years back I’d have signed up with her? Will Rob stay locked up forever? Kind of hope yes but maybe getting the thumb print changed to someone who will make his life the kind of hell that Sophia’s was when in the dungeon. Will Sophia ever get free of her contract? I’ve thought up a couple of ways it could happen but it all depends on the contracts. I’m pretty good at finding loop holes but without a contract to read or more experience of the ICB I’m limited on knowing if it would work.
    And so, my mind is spinning with all kinds of possibilities and frustrations. It’s worse than when they cancelled Firefly as other than Serenity and the comics it was kind of over. Knowing that you are out there working on more but not knowing when or if they will turn up is a form of torture as your stories are far more addictive. It’s like a form of chastity as you know that when you do finally get to mentally orgasm, you’re going to get locked back up and then have to patiently wait until the next story comes out.
    Still the stories have excited me and have put more energy into my kink life so I do have reality to enjoy while waiting. And I might do a bit of writing myself as you’ve inspired me, but you’ve also set the bar high so I might not produce anything worthy. When I do write though I kind of want to get the entire story out and so that I can go back and make changes when new ideas hit. So I can appreciate you wanting to go back to the drawing board. So I wish you good luck and may the words flow where you want them to.

  16. There's a lot of cool literary criticism ITT, and it, eeeh, makes me feel awkward, because I want to ask something a lot more mundane.

    Will we see those rectangular box thingies again? Public use is one of my things and I liked that idea (somewhat dissapointed there wasn't a pov scene with one of them. I still recall them after all this time!).

    1. Do you mean from the big New Years party?

      I know literally none of you would probably hold it much against me to re-use something, I just kinda feel sometimes like re-using something is kinda "cheating" in a small way. There are of course some repetition, only so many ways to go, but I try not to reuse the same device (with the exception of the NESIC) if I can help it.

      Public use is something that gets me going too, in case that wasn't obvious enough. But I can't say that I'll be fitting that specific thing in again.

    2. I believe that was the one. I remember a rectangular box that keeps the inhabitant immobile and in sensory deprivation, with their legs extending from the bottom and clad in latex (I think). You could take them home if you made them finish. Andrea was pressuring Meghan to get into it, and she was ambivalent about it (I read it as excited/scared). Your obvious actually-a-villain-just-wait-for-it character (Zainab's old friend) ordered a lot of them for the party he is to throw in one of the latest installments, hence the idle hope that someone would find themselves locked in there, consensually or otherwise.

      I want to be very careful with my expression here, because I don't want to appear like I'm pressuring you (I believe that it is a matter of coherence for the story in general and a matter of quality for any event in particular that the artist doesn't make concessions about adding something unless it can work well in their mind).

      The reason I hoped for another scene with those is that they were only externally described by people looking at them from the outside, but since no pov character found themselves in them, we don't have any description of them from the first person perspective and so no description of what it feels like to be and to be used in them, which I think is especially important. So to me the scenes where the devices were described but not utilized is akin to teasing! Like a prelude to getting in there, if that makes sense to you.

      Anyway, as I said, no pressure, do your thing.

  17. I was thinking the box would be how Ravi keeps Megan out of the way while he does whatever he's planning with Zainab. I'm curious as to how he deals with Sophia as she's might be a bit trickier to distract.

  18. Question.

    I remember in a past installment, a man dragging his protesting slavegirl into a NESIC store, which I imagine implied some sort of manipulation/modification of her NESIC that she wouldn't like for some reason.

    Was this just flavor, or do you intend to follow up on it and develop the NESIC tech further, showing different variants and the like?

    1. Well I was planning on one in my more "mean" plotline that I'm now kind of backing away from and looking for another path. I think my not wanting to put characters who are now pretty real to me through too much with what seems increasingly like flimsy reasoning, might be part of the block I've been having when I've tried to write.

      Right now the NESIC is meant to be put by nerve endings around the dorsal nerve of the clitoris. It gives it the ability to send signals but not much else. The idea of the NESIC2 was that it would go higher up the nervous system and be a gateway that by defult sends all singneals through but could, when activated right, restrict signals to particular nerves. For that to happen it would have to go somewhere much more serious and just be a much more invasive procedure, but it would give the chip abilities the NESIC couldn't do. It could read incoming signals to watch for particular signals or prevent certain signals from going any further. It could essentially make you "numb" so that no matter how much sex you had you'd never feel it unless the NESIC allowed you to. It could also take the feelings of sex and replicate them so that it feels constantly like you're being fucked even when you're not. Or the sensation that they're being whipped even though their skin is untouched.

      Andrea and Megan were going to be getting a pair of these as they went through some serious trials, but now I'm not sure how they'll come up. They probably will but the catch is supposed to be "they aren't approved in the US yet."

    2. I think Andrea and Megan have been spared being used as objects as Sophia and Lea have since chapter 8. Why not see how they endure such treatment and how they come out?

    3. This is actually a brilliant idea. Or at least it's very very (very) appealing to me. I really hope this wasn't one of the setups you shelved because it's great. And it really does not sound all that mean to me (I mean, Sophia has been crucified if I recall correctly, now that was mean. Like most of her time with Felix, really. Now that was a character who I must confess was very succesfully written seeing that I resolutely hated him) and I'm the one that usually complains about how you must give the characters a happy end.

      By which really what I mean is that I'd really like them to reach the end of the story without being a) dead, b) permanently enslaved against their will or c) having sustained irreversible injuries. Everything sort of those is just fine (in the long term, anyway). Sophisticated orgasm / pleasure control, and sensation simulation are fine ideas. And sure, the characters may not love them as much as I do, but they're the kind of thing they can survive unscathed, so why not put them through it?

    4. Well, I think those of us who kept reading after part eight can handle another cruel surprise or two. The shift to complete noncon hit a bit hard at first, but I think your readers have been "broken in" on it so to speak.

      There's no need to aggressively hold back, the characters (and the readers from their prespective,) have already lived through the threat of permanent slavery. As long as it isn't significantly worse than what they've already had (and Part 8 was pretty frightening, with puppet and all) it should be fine.

      In fact, leaving Megan and Andrea out of all the ordeals causes them to feel like side characters. I took a liking to this series when it was about a group of girls trying something out and having their limits pressed as they experience creative bondage devices and setups. Andrea bonding with Zainab and Megan looking for a new way to satisfy her submissive urges seem tame and boring in comparison to Lea getting tethered to a robot and Sophia working as a roleplaying character.

  19. Hi!

    Hope you are doing fine! Just curious, is it possible for you to give us an update of a possible ETA? Not trying to rush you but I was just curious and am really looking forward to the next update haha

  20. Hey Jess,

    I haven't even finished reading your first story yet, so I obviously can't estimate the size of the universe you're sharing with us, but up to now it seems to be very interesting.

    Just when I loaded all your stories for archiving purposes, I noticed what I interpret as a little flaw in your document processing workflow. Your first stories up to no. 18 have, for the PDFs, the same paper format, which seems to be A4. Every story after that has Letter. I don't know which software you use, if you changed it deliberately, or you just changed the location of your computer, or you changed the software, but it could be improved, especially for those who want to print it all. I personally would prefer A4.

    Best Greetings

  21. Hey Jess, been a while.
    I know things have been slow as of late, times are tough, and sometimes its hard to find the right thing to say or write about. So instead, take a moment and read a little post from one of your readers. I hope you enjoy. ;)
    My girl and I have been fans of your work from when she stumbled upon them on a story sharing site called utpoiastories, I belive that was when 'Lea and the Role Reversal' came out, and ever since. The stories of these girls aren't just one hit wonders to be read and enjoyed then move on. They have been given essence and depth! Tales of mischief, pleasure, darker tidings and 'Terrible, but Great' (harry potter quote :P) stories that left quite an impression on us as we read them chapter to exciting chapter, together.
    When she found out about your blogspot we were thrilled to find all the stories in one convenient place. We would wait patiently for the updates that came every three or so months, knowing that whatever those girls got up to, we would share every experience, every playful game, every risk, every painful decision, and every step they took in their journey. And what a trip it has been! :D
    I can tell you when my girl would come home from work, before bed time, she would check your blog for updates. If there was one she would stay up and read it, sometimes with me if our schedules lined up and get lost in the pages. We still do every now and then, to relive the chapters. While she really enjoys the newer material with Ravi and Sanvi, I really liked Hannah and the cabin.
    I know it has not been easy on the girls and we know that some dark events were being led up to, maybe more permanent endings for our ladies.
    Even knowing that, we ask that you don't give up on them. Even though its fiction, just like when you watch a movie and fall in love with a character/actor, it feels real. Or when a show is so good you don't want it to end, or that season finale that leaves you begging for more, you have that! Right here! And you should be proud of that.

    This story meant a lot to my love and I, and will continue to do so. I hope this post finds you well, and we thank you all you have done, and for taking the time out of your day to read our feeling put to words.

  22. I think we can stick a fork in this one.

    1. Eh, give them a little time. I follow at least one erotica author that occasionally takes a year (if not more) to update her stories, and it reflects itself in their quality, I think.

    2. I may be slow, but I've not given up! Don't hold your breath too bad but I'm not yet done.

  23. Jess.
    I have been following the story since the very beginning, over on GaggedUtopia. I have read all of the chapters, all of your side notes, and perused a lot of the comments sections for longer than is likely healthy. I'd like to compete for the title of 'Biggest Fan'.

    I check back regularly for new installments, and to flick through and reread older chapters. I'm never disappointed when I see you've not posted - good work takes time and dedication, and nobody can deny that there is a life outside of our dear author's stories, which absolutely must take precedence.

    I noticed that you once posted in the comments of you requesting art that you are aware of the author Shiniez, and that you are not confident of your ability beside him. I'd like to argue on the contrary - I follow three stories. Yourself, Shiniez, and the user Aidenke on DeviantArt. I hold all three in very high regard, but yours may just scrape ahead to be my favourite.

    I'm almost scared of the day that this saga ends, as the kinky literary community loses one of the giants. I hope that even if that dreadful day comes, you continue to write other stories, and maybe even little "What-If" type chapters should the bolt of inspiration strike you.

    While my writing may seem somewhat dramatic, it does indeed represent my feelings towards your stories, and I hope that they continue to delight and entertain us all for a long time to come.

    While you likely do not need it, I would like to offer my services as a proofreader, or indeed any capacity I can provide, should the need arise.

    I would once again like to reiterate that myself and the rest of your fanbase are willing to wait as long as it takes for the next installment, because you unwaveringly deliver quality, even when you feel you do not.

    Yours patiently,

  24. Alex (and others),

    I try to write stories that have many of the same qualities that Jess's stories follow. They are fetishy tales with an emphasis on giving the characters a soul and a voice. You can find my stories on deviantart - my username is syrynsmyth.

    Normally, I wouldn't advertise on someone else's blog (so, sorry Jess), but I find that I often look for links to other stories from authors and fans of stories that I like... So, I hope you all don't mind.

    I certainly would never claim to have to skill that Jess has. I'm just another amateur! But, I try to make the stories engage your mind. My stories are all based in BDSM, but generally have a sci-fi / fantasy aspect so I can bend reality a little. I like to try and amp up the peril a little.

    I've been a fan of Jess's stories from the beginning. They certainly inspire the stuff that I put out. So, give it a try. Especially while waiting for future installments. And even if it really sucks, let me know.

    Thanks, syrynsmyth

    (P.S. Hope that you don't mind this post, Jess)

  25. Just wanted to wish you and your interesting young ladies a cool Yule and have a fun and exciting time over the holidays. :-)
