So, I suddenly realized how ungodly long it has been. The past year has been exhausting, draining, not just from work but just.. all of it. Anyway, I've never fully given up on this, but I keep having difficulty concentrating on it often and I keep reworking and re-refining how everything's going. I can't give you an update unfortunately about when a full next story will be up, but in the mean time I do at least have one section that I know for sure will not be in the next story. I wrote it, I like it, but I realized a better way for things to naturally go. Normally I'd take something like that and store it for maybe being recycled into a future story but this small bit can't really do that.
So I present the first bit of a deleted segment of a story, and all you need to know is that Andrea and Zaianb are at a party, and as they came in there's a large room where costumes are out for people to put on. Andrea is having trouble picking what to wear, so she and Zainab get one of the people working there to dress her up in the "swankiest" attire available. It may not be much, but enjoy: