Tuesday, June 24, 2014

About Parts and Summaries...

You might notice everything is labeled in "parts" right now. Just to clarify, each part is still itself a full and complete story. I did not want to use the term "chapters" because I try to end each part with an "ending" which chapters in a book don't always have. Though I hesitate to call each a "story" by itself because they do all come together into a larger story.

The best example is to view each "part" like episodes in a TV show rather than chapters in a book. Each part has its own story, it's own structure, it's own ending, but it is also part of a larger, multi-part story and often relies on thing that happened in earlier parts. That is why I have added summaries. 

If the "parts" are episodes of a TV show, think of summaries like a "previously on" sequence most shows give you. The summaries will not tell you everything that happens, they leave out most of the sexier details, but it should include all the details that may come up in future stories. So if you are reading part 4, reading summaries 1-3 should tell you everything you need to know to understand what is happening.

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