Sunday, September 21, 2014

Meet the Characters: Part 10 New Characters

In part 10 there are two new main characters introduced. Felix Olsen, the only son of Carl Olsen. And a woman who works for the casino who goes by the name Valeria.

Felix Olsen - Felix is 35, and inherited Olsen Resorts from his father. He did not have the best relationship with his father. His father worked long hours and even began sleeping at work for days at a time without coming home. When he was only 11 his father left his mother for his second wife. Carl's next three wives each lasted about three years, eclipsing his whole teen years before his father simply took to hiring long term prostitutes.

He attempted to live his life independent of his father's wealth, holding several mid-level jobs at various companies. When he was 32, his father tried to mend fences after his 60th birthday. Some months later Felix asked if he could be a part of the company and was given responsibility for one of Carl's casinos the Couesnon. When it became legal for businesses to hire sex workers, he quickly converted parts of his casino to make sex one of the defining parts of the resort. And the premium he found he could charge for fetishistic work made him convinced that was the future for the company.

Veronica Long (aka Valeria) - Veronica works for the Baiae resort under the name Valeria. She is 23 years old and one month in to a three year contract. She knew that the total immersion required would be a sacrifice, but one she was willing to make. She enjoys sex, and knows that when the three years are over she will have a very large sum and still a long life waiting for her.

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