Thursday, February 19, 2015

Characters: Mixed Together or Distinct Stories?

So this is just a though I've been having as I continue to write the next part. What became Part 14 and 15 started as one story that switched back and forth between characters. But due to length, I wanted to split it in two, so the logical split seemed like it should be divided between settings.

So my question is, which do you all prefer? Stories that follow just one set of characters, or stories that follow more than one? Neither answer would make updates come any faster or slower, so it's purly a question of taste. I'll leave a poll up top but feel free to leave comments.


  1. I answered with a preference for one set of characters, but since comments are welcome, I'll add my opinion that maybe the focus should be on the tone of the narrative. That is, darker parts separated from friendlier ones, regardless of characters. Other than that, reading about one set of characters at a time keeps the story tidier.

  2. Jess, I answered "multiple sets of characters" but I need to clarify based on Lisbon's response. If a chapter has a darker scenario for one character, let's say Lea then switching to other girls who at the same time are not in a "dark" scenario would be ok. Like a TV show where the main focus is on a kidnapped character, but switches to others who are unaware of that character's situation and going about their daily lives. Even if more than one character is in a "dark" situation, focusing on one at a time would be preferred. One chapter would focus on one then "peek" in on another then switch back to the first character. A situation like that could provide something like "Chapter X, part 1; part 2; part 3 until all the stories are told. Each part could have a "cliffhanger" for one character until the final part when all the stories are told.

  3. Hello Jess,
    I answered "multiple sets of characters", but I also enjoy stories which focus on one character, because it is a good way to know the character, to dive deeper into the story and actions or just as separate sequel.
    All in all you do a brilliant job and you are by far my favourite storyteller.

  4. Personally, I prefer each update being a complete 'story': setup, plot, conclusion. Parts 14 and 15 fit that model, even though not every character was involved in each story. Sometimes, a single 'story' may involve two separate, non-intersecting lines of plot action: for example, perhaps a story is about contrasting Sophia's nonconsensual situation with the other characters' consensual play. It would be a single story, but with characters not all involved as a single group.

  5. As in so many things, it all depends! Parts like the last one (Barbarian horde) are best for one character, but at other times the contrast between the consensual and non-consensual, adds depth and meaning to stories.

    I'd say folllow your instinct, don't be too subject to a focus group, you're too good for that!

    1. Oh I do plan on following my gut, it just helps me think to get people's opinion. Helps me question my assumptions and ultimately that I think can help make a better story. No need to worry about me writing by committee!

  6. Standalonstories flow much better. I'm not sure I would have enjoyed the last two chapters as much if they were one story.

    Brilliant work so far.

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  9. Standalone stories are good, but please don't lose the interconnectedness of the characters, which is hugely important, or the development over time. "Bound Friends" surely implies that they continue to feature strongly in each others' stories, even if the focus changes.

  10. I have been reading your stories on Literotica since chapter one and I recently found this blog and your Reddit. The post on there about having a "love/hate" relationship with stories like these matched my feelings identically. I love the characters and situations because they cover a large number of fetishes that I enjoy, but the hopelessness of the situation that the characters are in leaves me with this sinking feeling in my stomach. I get anxious and excited at the same time when I see a new chapter posted. I sometimes find it hard to enjoy the nice moments for some characters while knowing that other characters are going through a horrible situation with no hope of getting out of it. I also want to reiterate that I LOVE your stories and can't wait for the next installment, but I understand you feelings about these types of stories almost perfectly. I hope that there is a happy ending on the horizon for these characters so that I can enjoy their plight without guilt :).
